Minggu, 22 Juni 2014


You are my son, a part of me, and that will never change..
No matter what you do in life my ove will still remaind..
I held you as a baby and i looked into your face..
And i knew than, no other one could ever take your place..

I knew then as i held you, you would grow to be a man..
And anything you did in life i'd try to understand..
I knew You would make a choice and would follow your own heart..
I only prayed that in your life i'd always have a part..

I knew somethings you did in life would give me so much pride..
But also reliazed some things would tear me up inside..
I only want the best for you and want to you to sucsses..
And want you find happiness with everything you need..

I can only guide you and give you a helping hand.. 
You will choose the path to take now that you are a Man..
A long the road that you will choose, Whatever that maybe...
Just remember this my son that you can count on me..

I will not try to push you to live life  in my own side..
I only promise i will love you and stand by your side..
I know that you will make mistake and life is full of them...
But Realize my love for you will not let me condemn..

I know this life is not prefect and we do the best we can..
Just realize i love you and i'll always understand..
I knew one day you would grow up and you would leave my nestz..
I will do what i can do for you and let God do the rest..

I held you in my arms and done the best i can..
Now i pray that God will hold you now that you're a Man..
Just remember in my heart you are a special one..
And i will always proudly tell the world "this is my Son"

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